The Land Justice Network is a non-hierarchical network of groups and individuals including academics, farmers, housing activists, architects, ramblers, coders, musicians, planners, artists, land workers and bird watchers.
We recognise that present land use and ownership are the result of policies and decisions that have little basis in social justice or in considerations of the common good.
We work together to raise awareness of land as a common issue underpinning many struggles and injustices, and to turn this awareness into action that will challenge and change the status quo.
We are committed to working together using all tools available – including policy writing, direct action, land occupation, running workshops and events, sharing our skills and creating beautiful and compelling videos, pamphlets, films, infographics, flyers, songs, art and zines.
Join us to build a diverse and inclusive modern day land reform movement!
Here is a short film made about a get together we organised had in London; we hope this gives you a quick insight into what we’re about.
This is a brief introduction to some of the groups who started (this chapter of) the ball rolling and their reasons for being involved: