Land Justice Yorkshire will be hosting a Leeds ‘Land for What?’ workshop 7-9pm on Thursday 14th July 2022 at Mill Hill Chapel, City Square, Leeds LS1 5EB exploring how and rights affects us in Yorkshire and what we might do about it.
Do join us –
#landjustice #landrights #reparations #tresspass #righttoroam #enclosure #taxhavens
THE LANDLORD’S TRICKS: Join us for a tour of Leeds’s land and housing crisis on Saturday 9th July 2022, 1pm-3pm. Start 1pm outside Mill Hill Chapel, City Square, Leeds, LS1 5EB
Featuring music by Roo Bramley and Robin Grey from Three Acres And A Cow.
*Accessible route & family-friendly*
Leeds is facing a housing crisis of epic proportions as international investors pile in looking to make a fast profit, causing house prices to rocket and many people struggling to cover large rent rises as well as a growing number of homeless folks.
At root, the housing crisis is a land crisis, and developers and landlords have many tricks to keep prices high and to avoid paying their taxes.
It’s time for change. Land Justice Yorkshire has organised this tour to showcase some of the root causes of Leeds’s land and housing crisis – and call for systemic changes.
Along our route, you’ll discover numerous properties owned in offshore tax havens, former office blocks turned into homes using Tory loopholes to avoid regs and planning, as well as learn why so many high rise blocks of student accomodation are sprouting up in the city.

Land Justice Yorkshire will be co-hosting a Sheffield ‘Land for What?’ workshop 3pm this Saturday 2nd April 2022 at @union_st with Christabel from @sharedassets and Robin from @threeacresacow, exploring how and rights affects us in Yorkshire and what we might do about it.
Should be about three hours… Do come and join us.
#landjustice #landrights #reparations #tresspass #righttoroam #enclosure #taxhavens
THE LANDLORD’S TRICKS: Join us for a tour of Sheffield’s land and housing crisis on Saturday 23rd October 2021, 1pm-3pm. Start 1pm in The Peace Gardens, Sheffield City Centre, Sheffield S1 2HH in the south east corner by the Chartist Memorial.
Featuring music by Robin Grey from Three Acres And A Cow, Lucy Huzzard and Hazel Thompson.
*Accessible route & family-friendly*
Sheffield is facing a housing crisis of epic proportions as international investors pile in looking to make a fast profit, causing house prices to rocket and many people struggling to cover large rent rises as well as a growing number of homeless folks.
At root, the housing crisis is a land crisis, and developers and landlords have many tricks to keep prices high and to avoid paying their taxes.
It’s time for change. Land Justice Yorkshire has organised this tour to showcase some of the root causes of Sheffield’s land and housing crisis – and call for systemic changes.
Along our route, you’ll discover numerous properties owned in offshore tax havens, former office blocks turned into homes using Tory loopholes to avoid regs and planning, as well as learn why so many high rise blocks of student accomodation are sprouting up in the city.
Perhaps you can also help us solve the question: how much of Sheffield does the Duke of Norfolk still own?
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